Thursday, September 12, 2019

Mock Interview Reflection

Overall, I was pleased in the way my interview turned out.  I felt prepared for the questions that were asked, and I think I responded in a confident way.  To prepare, I perused the resources that were posted online by Dr. Lancaster.  The resources included questions to ask your interviewer, how to answer tough interview questions, and OT specific interview questions that are popular.  I typed out my responses to some common questions so the answers would be on the top of my mind during the interview.  I expected there to be more information/role play given by the interviewer, but we really just jumped right into the interview questions. The interview also went much quicker than I expected.

After watching my interview video, I realized I talk with my hands excessively and my posture was poor. If I could go through the process again, I would keep my hands in my lap unless hand gestures are necessary, and I would make sure to sit up straighter. There was so much I learned through this process that I can take with me in the future.  We asked my interviewer her opinion on the best time to bring up salary in an interview, and she instructed to follow the interviewer's lead.  If they bring up salary on the first interview, you can ask questions about it. She said that often times, an interview is a process and there will be multiple times you will be in communication with them; you don't want to bring up salary first. I thought that was really great advice that I can take with me in the future! I really appreciated this opportunity, and I gained skills and knowledge that will hopefully benefit me at the start of my OT school career.