Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Health Literacy

Professor's Flick's lecture on health literacy today was very informative.

One of the main take-aways I got from the lecture was the social determinants of health. The social determinants of health are included below. These are things that affects one's access or ability to be healthy or participate in health related activity.

  • Education
    • If someone does not have access to education, they may not be aware of health related activities.
  • Food
    • Some people could live in areas where they don't have access to health foods. This could cause one to be unhealthy physically by not having access to good nutrition.
  • Income
    • Those with low income may not be able to afford heathy food or a gym membership.
  • Peace
    • Those living with stress tend to be not as healthy.
  • Shelter
    • If one does not live in a safe home, they could be around mold or other bacteria that could make them sick.
  • Social Justice and Equity
    • Racism is good example of this one. If someone feels they are being discriminated against, they may not try to participate in health related activities with other people.
  • Stable Ecosystem
    • Pollution in the air could affect someone's quality to breathe.
Another concept I learned were interventions that aim to reduce threats to health. These include primary interventions (to prevent disease or injury before it ever occurs), secondary intervention (to reduce the impact of a disease or injury that has already occurred), and tertiary intervention (to limit the impact of an ongoing illness or injury that has lasting effects).

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