Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Neuro Note 2, The InnerKid Philosophy

The InnerKid Philosophy: Kristen Powers at TEDxTeen

Kristen Powers opens up her TEDxTeen talk by asking the question, "What would if you had 100 years to live?" She then goes on to explain how she always had a great big vision for her future. Then, one day in 2003, her mom was diagnosed with Huntington's disease. Kristen explained it as mix between Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, bipolar disorder, and ALS. She went on explaining the physical and emotional declines her mother experienced as her disease was progressing. She goes into detail about how her mother was transferred into a nursing home to spend her final days until she passed away until 2011. Kristen revealed how she decided to make the most out of everyday and tried to change the world. Kristen has decided to be genetically tested for Huntington's disease when she turns 18.

Why I Chose This
A section of Neurological Aspects of Occupational Performance is dedicated to Huntington's Disease. I am currently in the process of reading Inside the O'Briens, a book about the journey of a man being diagnosed with Huntington's Disease, and I am totally captivated by the disease and so interested learning more about it. While I could've chosen any TedTalk or movie related to Huntington's, I became interested in learning the perspective of a teenager who has a close family member who was diagnosed.

"I realized I was watching her die." This was a harsh and scary realization that Kristen experienced when she was only twelve years old. One of the reasons I chose this specific TED Talk is because I cannot imagine having to go through watching my mother go through the horrible experience she did. As a young child, she was burdened with the thoughts that she may have the disease, whether or not she should get tested for the disease, and if she did have the positive gene for the disease, she couldn't have children. She also had to think about how her life may be affected if her brothers contracted the disease and how she may have to become their caregiver. She couldn't think of anyone who would want to marry her if she had Huntington's. She was terrified of losing her own independence. As a future occupational therapist, I am so excited to be able to work hand in hand with people and caregivers of those suffering from Huntington's Disease. It is such a sad and unfortunate experience, but to be able to be a light in the lives of those suffering will help me fulfill my purpose in life similar to the way Kristen is fulfilling her own.

Kristen Powers is wise beyond her years. I will conclude with a quote from her TEDTalk that left me thinking about how to life my life. "What are you doing in your life to live it to its fullest potential?"

Check out Kristen's TEDxTeen Talk here!
    Image result for kristen powers ted talk

TEXx Talks. (2012, April 13). The inner kid philosophy: Kristen Powers at TEDxTeen [Video file}. Retrieved from

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